This mausoleum belongs to the well-known mystic, Sheikh Barragh Baba, from Mevlevi Order and one of the royal confidants of Sultan Mohammad Khodabandeh's court in Ilkhanid era. In addition, archeologists and researchers have attributed this site to Sultan Chalabi and estimated that it was built in 728 AH.
Sheikh Barragh or Chalabioghlou Mausoleum, beside which there is a Khanqah related to the same period, is among tower-like mausoleums of Islamic Middle Ages, and it can be compared to Emamzadeh Jafar in Isfahan.
Some researchers and archeologists believe that the Khanqah's building preceded Sultan Chalabi Mausoleum, and some of them are of the opposite opinion.
This monument was registered in Iran's National Heritage under the registration number of 167.