Akbarieh Garden

Several of the Razavi Khorasan museums are located at this place.

Akbarieh village, Moallem Shahid street, Birjand, South Khorasan, Iran
About: Akbarieh Garden

Akbarieh House and Garden is one of the historical buildings in Birjand. This building was built in two floors in Qajar era by Shokat al-Molk. This garden is at the end of Moallem Street in Akbarieh Village in Birjand which is the center of southern Khorasan. With the expansion of Birjand, now the garden is located inside the city. This monument includes a mirror hall, pergola dome, honeycomb mogharnas decorations and official scheme that were merely for catering domestic and foreign political agents.
This garden was registered as a world heritage monument in the thirty fifth UNESCO Conference in 2011 and it was registered in the list of Iran’s national monuments on 20th of Khordad 1378.

General Specifications
Akbarieh Garden
Zand and Qajar periods
Shaukat al-Molk and his father Heshmat al-Dawla
Architectural style
Combination of Turkish, Russian and Islamic architecture.
UNESCO World Heritage
Important parts to visit
Several museums are active at this place such as the archeology museum, anthropology museum, wildlife museum and libarary.
Best time to visit
Nearest tourist attractions
Kolahfarangy Arg of Birjand
Access route
Akbarieh village, Moallem Shahid street, Birjand, South Khorasan, Iran
Access to vehicles
Network coverage
Akbarieh Garden
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