The house of Nima Yooshij where is also his tomb is located in the village of Yoosh, relating to the Qajar dynasty. This house is registered as a national relic with the registration number of 1802 by the Cultural (Now poetry) Heritage Organization. Nima is the founder of Farsi modern poetry .
The house of Nima were the residency location of Nima’s father and ancestors. This house was built in 1207 Hijri by Nazem Al-Ayalah in the Laloy neighborhood of Yoosh. This building has three entrances, several alcoves and rooms. The house of Nima Yooshij is considered as one of the beautiful tourism attractions of Mazandaran province with its brick and plaster works. The architecture of this building has an odd distinction with other houses of this village and even the architecture of the houses of Iran’s north.