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This house is the father house of Parvin Etesami, the contemporary poet of Iran which is located in Tabriz city. This house is from the first Pahlavi era and was registered as one of Iran’s national relics in March 19th, 2006 with the registration number of 18681.
Rakhshandeh Etesami, known as Parvin Etesami was born in March 16th, 1906 and died in March of 1941 by Typhoid fever and was buried in Qom.
Parvin Etesami is one of the honors of Tabriz city; a name that despite its greatness is less honored in her birthplace. After passing 70 years of the departure of this precious poet, her wise and instructive poems full of moral concepts are praised and Parvin Etesami is remembered as one of the greatest contemporary lady poets of Iran.