Maragheh Observatory

The world's largest observatory in the period before the invention of the telescope.

West of Maragheh, Maragheh, East Azerbaijan, Iran
Visiting time:
Morning to evening
Weekly holiday:
Does not have
Annual holidays:
9th and 10th of Moharram, 28 Safar, 21th of Ramazan , 25th of Shavval( these are dates on the lunar calender) 14th Kordad (solar calender)
Entrance fee(Iranian):
40.000 Rials
Intrance fee(Foreigners):
500.000 Rials
About: Maragheh Observatory

Rasad Khaneh Marageh (Observatory of Maragheh) was constructed almost 800 years ago, at a time when there was still no astronomical telescope. Maragheh observatory was known for many years as the most advanced observatory in the world. 
Maragheh abservatory is a reminder of the golden age of Iranian science and culture in the world. This was scientific and astronomy place built by Khaje Nasir al-Din Tusi, philosopher, mathematician and astronomer of Ilkhani era. 
Tusi convinced Hulegu Khan to construct an observatory for establishing accurate astronomical tables for better astrological predictions. Beginning in 1259, the Rasad Khaneh observatory was constructed in Maragheh. By this way, he could get scholarship of astronomical studies for scientists and he gathered most of famous scientists from all around the world to this place.
Tusi made very accurate tables of planetary movements as depicted in his book Zij-i ilkhani (Ilkhanic Tables). This book contains astronomical tables for calculating the positions of the planets and the names of the stars. His model for the planetary system is believed to be the most advanced of his time, even up to more than 200 years later.

General Specifications
Rasad Khaneh Maragheh (Maragheh Observatory)
800 years
The Ilkhanids
Architectural style
The current white colored cover has been constructed by the German engineers.
Special features
of the first and most reliable observatories in the world
Best time to visit
Nearest tourist attractions
The caves around the observatory
Access route
West of Maragheh, Maragheh, East Azerbaijan, Iran
Access to vehicles
Access for the disabled with wheelchair
Network coverage
Maragheh Observatory
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