Arasbaran protected area is located in N3855 E4651 geographical position in East Azerbaijan Province. Arasbaran is one of the unique protected and inhabited areas in Iran. It is considered as a special area due to its flora and fauna. It's been years that hunting is forbidden, vegetation is protected, and research courses are done in this area so that the destruction of vegetation is prevented and endangered animal species can have a balanced reproduction.
Arasbaran National Park, with an area of 8941 hectares, is a part of Arasbarasn protected area in Kaleybar and Khoda Afarin Counties in East Azerbaijan Province, in which hunting has been forbidden since 1967. In 1973, this region changed to a protected area and since 1976, it has been managed as the biosphere reserve. After the evaluation of the region, it was upgraded to the National Park in May 20, 2012 according to enactment 370 of Supreme Environment Council (Infrastructure Commission of the Government).