Historical Complex of Kordasht

Castle, mansion, divankhaneh, ice-house and Kordasht bathhouse.

Kordasht village, 70 kilometers from Jolfa city, Jolfa county, East Azerbaijan, Iran
Annual holidays:
9th and 10th of Moharram, 28 Safar, 21th of Ramazan , 25th of Shavval( these are dates on the lunar calender) 14th Kordad (solar calender)
Entrance fee(Iranian):
Intrance fee(Foreigners):
About: Historical Complex of Kordasht

Kordasht complex has been located in east Azerbaijan province, Jolfa County. This historic collection which is an important tourism places of this county has been placed in Kordasht village. 
Kordasht collection includes 8 historic monuments such as big bath, edifice, small bath, Gharib mosque, forum, icehouse, a castle known as Abbas Mirza castle and a military garrison. 
Kordasht village which had strategically an important role in history of Iran, had witnessed all battles between Iran and Russia in Qajar era. Abbas Mirza, Qajar prince selected this area as his caste (outpost) against Russian forces, he bravely dedicated all he had to Iran. Now, this village with is known by his famous bath and Abbas Mirza castle. 

General Specifications
Historical Complex of Kordasht
Named after the village in the area
Kordasht bathhouse has been built during the time of the Safavid Shah Abbas under his orders. The castle dates back to early Islamic era.
Kordasht bathhouse was built under the ordersof the Safavid Shah Abbas.
Important parts to visit
Historical Kordasht bathhouse, Castle
Best time to visit
Spring and Summer
Duration of visit
One day
Nearest tourist attractions
Kharaba Dayirman waterfall
Access route
Kordasht village, 70 kilometers from Jolfa city, Jolfa county, East Azerbaijan, Iran
Historical Complex of Kordasht
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