Kazaj Village

The architecture of this village is stairwise

Visiting time:
Weekly holiday:
Does not have
Annual holidays:
Does not have
Entrance fee(Iranian):
Intrance fee(Foreigners):
About: Kazaj Village

Kazaj village is among the 12 villages in Ardabil with tourism purpose and among the 10 villages with worthy texture of traditional architecture. Its name has been originated from word “Kazeh” means stick. Kazaj has been translated in some dictionaries as “Grape Garden”. 

Architecture of this village is echelon. What has made this village important is besides its unique architecture, interest of residents in preserving this architecture and emphasis on protection from customs, rituals and culture of ancestors of this area.

Kazaj tourism village has been located in distance of 15 kilometers from northwest of Hashjin in Ardabil province. Traditional texture, special architecture of residence, locating at foothills, using nice and intact nature, Qazal Ozan river flow among gardens, antiquity and historic background and artifacts, all has made this village to one of the tourism attracting point in Ardabil province.

Gardening, livestock nurturing and agriculture are the main jobs of this village residents. Distance of this area from Khalkhal is 57 kilometers and from Hashtjin is 17 kilometers. Qazal Ozan river passes from 1 kilometer distance in west from this village, the houses of village has made a texture like tourism and historic city, Masouleh. What made this village as significant is besides its architecture, interest of residents in preserving this architecture and emphasis on protection from customs, rituals and culture of ancestors of this area.

General Specifications
It's named after Kaze which means wand. the word Kazaj has also been defined as vineyard in some dictionaries.
Local language
Azerbaijani Turkish
Local products and souvenirs
Grapes, walnuts, apples and pears, cherries, sour cherries and berries (especially dried berries), cream, cheese, butter
Preserving the architecture and ancient culture of the village, traditional clothing
Important parts to visit
Stairwise architecture of the village, natural caves and cliffs, pristine nature, Qizil Uzan river
Best time to visit
Spring, summer and fall
Duration of visit
One day
Similar villages and monuments
Masuleh and the stepwise tatched villages in Iran
Access route
At the center of Khvoresh Rostam rural district, 57 kilometers from Khalkhal, Khalkhal county, Ardabil province, Iran
Kazaj Village
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