El Golu Park, Tabriz
Kandovan village, Osku
Saint Stepanos Monastery, Jolfa
Babak Fort, Kaleybar
Zahhak Castle, Hashtrud

About Mianeh County


Mianeh is one of the cities of East Azerbaijan province and the center of Mianeh county. This city is situated to the southeast of the province and is known as the gateway to Azerbaijan. The historical past of Mianeh city dates back to decades before Christ and some records narrate its history to date back to even 720 years BC. The existence of Assyrian and Urartu inscriptions in some regions of Azerbaijan and the discovery of ancient monuments and earthen statues in Mianeh city, date its history to an era prior to the establishment of Median government.

In historical books and logbooks of travelers the name of this county has been called Mianej. It is named so, because this county, according to some, was situated at the border between Median and Parthian lands and even now resides between Maragheh and Tabriz, like the angle of a triangle between them, or because it is between the two cities of Tabriz and Zanjan.

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