Yanik Tepe Khosrowshah

Qara Tepe

Tazeh Kand village, Khosrowshah district, Tabriz, East Azerbaijan Iran
About: Yanik Tepe Khosrowshah

Yaniq hill which belongs to five thousand years ago is one of remnants of Khosro Shah. It has beeb observed that the hidden civilization in this place has been destroyed due to firing and has never got back to its previous form. Just a very small part of all hill has been excavated superficially. This hill has been located in distance of 6 kilometers from Khosro Shah and 31 kilometers from Tabriz. 
This opus has been recorded in list of national relics with registry number 4170 in 10th of Mehr, 1380 (2001).

General Specifications
Yanik Tepe
Means the burnt hill
5 thousand years
Access route
Tazeh Kand village, Khosrowshah district, Tabriz, East Azerbaijan Iran
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