Tutah Khaneh Village

About: Tutah Khaneh Village

Tutah khaneh village is in distance of 24 kilometers from Bonab County and one of the two villages with tourism purpose, it has stair architecture in order to attract tourists. 
One is Tutah-khaneh village with population about 700 families, and the other is Sever village which is near Tut-khane village and it has 70 families. 
These two villages, Tutah-khaneh and Sever with their unique architecture can be investigated as a dictionary of country’s rural architecture. 
These two villages have rocky architectures, and most houses have small doors and windows in order to prevent penetration of coldness in winter. Architecture of rural houses which are affected by climate conditions, living style and economic activities has harmony with the surrounding environment. 
Cultural heritage organization has declared this village as one of the tourism villages in province.

General Specifications
Local language
Azerbaijani Turkish
Local products and souvenirs
Most important souvenirs of this village are dried fruits, legumes and carpets.
Rocky architecture.
Best time to visit
Spring and Summer
Similar villages and monuments
Rock villages such as Kandovan, Savar of Bonab and the stairwise Masuleh vilage.
Access route
Bonab county, East Azerbaijan, Iran
Access to vehicles
Access for the disabled with wheelchair
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